Last updated on October 20th, 2023 at 02:41 pm
Contact Us
Russellville, KY 42276
Gate: 1 Employee/Visitor
Gate: 2 Shipping/Receiving
Gate: 3 Contractors
Gate: 4 Inbound Scrap/Van Trailers
Office Hours
Additional Offices
Meltable Quality / Chemistry
RSI / Prime / Meltalble Purchasing (Novelis, Inc.)
RSI / Prime / Meltalble Purchasing (Tri-Arrows Aluminum Inc.)
RSI Receiving Issues
Check Analysis Program
Logan Recycle and DC4 Receiving
Hardener/Alloy Receiving

Contacts for Alloys & Hardener
Chemistry / Quality
Ethan Wittenhagen
Blaine Hall
Hardener Receiving
Travis Goodhue
Alloy/Hardener Procurement
Gary Gettings
*Hardeners = Silicon, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Grain Refiners, etc.
Emergency Contacts for Safety
Ask the Logan operator to transfer you to one of the persons listed below. You must speak to a person to inform them of a safety issue with a meltable or hardener shipped to us. Leaving a message on an answering system is unacceptable. We can be reached at the plant or on mobile phone.
Please attempt contact with these individuals in descending order.
Contact number: 270.755.6000
- Marvin Wayne Wells
- Ethan Wittenhagen
- David Mooney
- Travis Goodhue